Sunday 1st November
I have a picture in my mind of a French town that we drove through nearly 20 years ago and I wanted to go back and revisit it. Unfortunately it isn’t Concarneau and my search continues.
There are three aires in Concarneau marked on our Camper Contact app so we naturally headed for the one with the best rating. It was full up of what looked liked travellers so a very hasty three point turn later we aimed for the second aire which was just a parking spot on the side of a main road. Third spot was nowhere to be seen so we had to widen our search.
It didn’t take long to find Plage du Porzou tucked away behind the local sports centre.
he other side of the fence is GR 34 (again) and through the trees the sea, all from Frankie’s side window. The aire is described as mixed parking which means that we are sharing with cars but it is free and all the services are here if needed.
As you can see, it is a beautiful hot day so off we rambled to give Concarneau a once over, and get some cash out of a machine.
100 yards from the aire is a sandy beach, it doesn’t look brilliant at the moment since the tide is out but it is sheltered, sandy, clean and empty. It’s quickly decided that tomorrow is a sunbathing day.
Gnarly old tree on our route.
The footpath takes us round to Concarneau harbour, the leisure boats are all in the outer harbour and the fishing fleet is hidden behind the castle walls.
Looking back through the harbour entrance.
The national footpath crosses the inner harbour entrance at this point and you have to take a ferry across. It was €1 each and only took a couple of minutes.
Part of the harbour walls, again the tide was out and I wasn’t hanging around for 6 hours for it to come in. Immediately behind us is the probable cause of the first aire being full up. The circus is in town so they could be showmen in the aire and not travellers.
Another photo for Clive. You’ll need big pockets for the one in the middle (and big hands to hold it).
Inside the walled castle the streets were all laid out with hundreds of tourist shops, luckily we’re not tourists so we couldn’t buy anything.
Last night was Halloween and we had bought a big tub of sweets just in case the kids came round trick or treating again this year. We got caught out last year and had to hand over all of our travel sweets. I think Lucy was slightly relieved that no kids came knocking, she gets to eat the whole tub. Lucy has just made it clear to me that all the Parma Violets are mine and not to eat them anywhere near her – lucky old me.
Today we spent most of the day sat on the beach reading Kindles and soaking up the sun. For most of the time we were alone except for a couple of topless bathers who kept distracting me from my book. We’re sharing the aire with 8 other motorhomes; they have all sat in their vans all day today, can’t see why you would come to the beach on a lovely day and sit inside – I don’t think we’ll ever understand the French.