I was woken up at 5am this morning by our late night visitor from last night moving on out, think he had a date with an early ferry but I managed to have a lay in until 8am because we knew our fresh baguette was about to be delivered. Plan was to eat breakfast and move over to the service point to fill up with water and empty the toilet but the token we had purchased the night before wouldn’t open up the machine.
We were fairly close to Agincourt so drove to the visitor centre and spent a couple of hours touring the exhibits and reading the history and events leading up to the battle.
The day was starting to warm up nicely so we continued with our back roads of France travel book and drove through Hesdin, stopping at the Carrefour for essential supplies and then on to Arras where we found an Aire fairly close to the city centre but for some reason the water point wasn’t working or my French still needs some practicing. I asked a French guy where we could buy tokens and he said “no point, it doesn’t work”. Luckily we bought some bottled water in Carrefour so I can still have a bath tonight.
By the time we had visited the city centre and bought an ice cream time was getting on so we decided to stay the night in Arras and take advantage of the free, waterless aire. If things get desperate we can always flush the loo with Lucy’s vodka!
Word of the day is sauf which means except. You’ll see signs that show no entry with a plate underneath saying sauf velos or a picture of a tow truck with the words sauf camping-cars. When we arrived at this aire it was full up so I parked up next to another van in the street. Whilst I was checking out the service point Lucy noticed a tow truck hovering about and she thought that he was just waiting for us to walk into town so he could tow us away. Once she’s in panic mode we have to take action so off I started and as we went back past the aire we noticed an empty space.
Mistake of the day was a left over from yesterday; feeling all guilty because I was holding up a Frenchie at the very slow water tap and not filling up completely for myself – bet he hasn’t run out of water today!
Embry to Arras (49miles)
- Calais to Embry (68 miles)
- Arras to La Flamengrie (93 miles)